I have a lot of difficulty getting on line to WMUB HD-2 on my desktop computer. Even though I click on any of the several links to reach "listen to Jazz on WMUB" I usually end up on HD-1. After several attempts I will get HD-2. It gets frustrating. Sometimes I give up and go to KJAZ at Cal State U-Long Beach CA. In fact, I have them in the background now as I type.
A new experience reared its head about an hour ago. After finally reaching your HD-2 channel, in about 10 minutes the sound would go off and on at a frequency of about 1.5-2 seconds ea, off and on. After a few minutes [5?] of this the sound went away completely. I've switched to KJAZ 88.1 and am getting a normal sound. [They're playing some good stuff.]
There is a heck of a coincidence here. I was getting ready to contact you re the fact that after some difficulty as mentioned above, I was getting your broadcast on my desktop computer but could not get it at all on my laptop. Both get their signal from our household WiFi installation via Comcast cable. I can get the CA station on the laptop and often do if some other chore prevents me from listening on the desk top in my office.
Do you have any ideas on action I could take to improve my listening to WMUB HD-2?
--Mike, Indianapolis[Program Director John Hingsbergen:"Thanks for writing about this. We’re glad you’re listening and want to make sure you can do so reliably."Issue 1) Regarding ending up on HD1, I assume that is through the embedded mp3 player on our website. Since it is an integrated player for all three HD channels, it seems to always default to the HD1 channel. I don’t think we can do anything about that other than suggest that you click on the HD2 link right away once the player opens. You may have to listen to our introductory message first but the Jazz Channel should come on right away. "We are continuing to offer a RealPlayer option for that channel. A link for that is on our main web page on the left near the top of the page. From our listen page, it is more complicated, requiring listeners to click on the link that says “And we offer a RealPlayer stream of WMUB Jazz (HD2). From there you need to click another link that says “To listen to THE WMUB JAZZ CHANNEL online via our RealPlayer stream, CLICK HERE." "I apologize for the complexity of all this. We really need to clean these up and make the process more simple but, once you use the links, you can save them."Issue 2) Regarding the dropouts recently, I am unaware of any problem with the signal leaving here but we will check it out with our streaming provider. The mp3 is provided by a contractor that we pay for the service. The Real Stream is hosted on the Miami University system so, if this happens again, it would be a good idea to check the Real stream and see if it is OK."]