Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Learned much from working at WMUB

[Ed.: sent to Program Director John Hingsbergen]

I realize that this message comes with much unnecessary delay, as nearly a month has spanned since the news broke about WMUB. And though I can now only speak as a far removed spectator from all the events surrounding the impending changes, I hold an elephant's weight of sympathy for all you folks at the station. I had a rare perspective into the amount of work you and others put into the operation of WMUB and it was indeed a pleasure to work alongside everyone; I learned much from the experience. Thanks for the opportunity, John.

And though this comes despite the great legacy of Mama Jazz (and the hours of construction and implementation of control room C), I can't help but thinking of all the hours tinkering with MAMA files and P: drives that now seemingly go for naught. Nevertheless, that tinkering remains a small portion of the entire effort that you and everyone else actually contributed in keeping an excellent NPR affiliate up and running at high standards. It may comfort you to know that (in my opinion) the Little Rock affiliate by no means equals the informative announcing and reporting of WMUB. They never run breaks during the alloted music beds and their weather reports are a bit painful to listen to in comparison with the high-quality of WMUB's reportage. Anyways, forgive that tangent.

I hope you'll excuse this message's tone if it is a bit too formal; I had not exactly intended to sound overly professional or anything. Also, please excuse the tardiness of this message in relation to the release of the news. And please give my best regards to Cheri and everyone at the station to whom I was unable to extend personal wishes of good luck and thanks.

Best of luck,

--Chris (WMUB Board Operator)


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