Friday, December 14, 2007

Ingenuity yielded terrific results

[Concerning our 2007 re-broadcast of the 1967 WMUB student production of A Christmas Carol, available as a podcast. Bill Utter is a former General Manager of WMUB]:

[John Hingsbergen’s] introduction with Tom Collins, the original producer-director, and cast member Rick Ludwin was very interesting indeed. [He] did a fine job drawing out the details from those decades ago.

Tom’s explanation of how he created a sound of chains going up stairs with peg-board hooks played off speed was typical of the creative work done in those days. The equipment was primitive when judged today, but ingenuity yielded some terrific results. It is amazing to think that this echo of 1967 can be heard today anywhere in the world!

One listener here in Oxford told me yesterday that she listened to it while driving. She was delighted to think that this could be played from so long ago. She enjoyed it and made a point to seek me out over at the Rec. Center to tell me. I guess it was sort of a “driveway moment” for her.

--Bill Utter, Oxford


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