Saturday, January 31, 2009

Greatly saddened to hear

I was a member and avid listener of WMUB and NPR when I was a doctoral student at Miami for 6 years. In my opinion, among all American media, NPR provided the most objective coverage of currernt affairs (not to mention great programs such as the Diane Rehm show) and WMUB was my favourite venue to listen to it. I have been living in London for the past year and half and am unable to listen to the station anymore but I haven't unsubscribed myself from the mailing list - I still like receiving regular updates about WMUB!

I was therefore greatly saddened to hear about the university's decision - one can understand the financial aspect of this decision but wonders why such immensely useful services fail to receive the highest priority. The financial shortfall is 1/500,000th of the bloated defence budget of the United States by my reckoning. And yet it would sadly be unthinkable for the US government (through public universities) to fund public radio stations across the nation at the cost of a new generation of fighter aircraft.

I want to thank all the WMUB staff for making my stay in Oxford that much more interesting and informative and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Best regards,

--Ninad, London


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