Friday, June 08, 2007

Keep 88.5 As Is!

Since beginning my forestry practice in 1970 I have been a guest on scads of call-in radio programs, on both commercial and public stations, in several states. By far the best of these programs is Free Advice.
I remain amazed at the quality of your audience and the intelligent, timely questions I'm asked. Although we take many calls during the hour, I still respond to a dozen emails at home from listeners who could not get on air.
On air I represent both the forestry/arborist professions and the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District that I've served as a Supervisor since 1985. After each show the SWCDs of Hamilton and Butler tell me how many listeners called them for soil testing kits, info on attending seminars, etc.
I urge you to leave WMUB as an integral, fully funded part of Miami U. as it is today. Without being associated with your fine university, I believe the quality of the programs and service to your listeners would certainly diminish.
--Steve Sandfort, RF, CA, Cincinnati


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