Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sorry local programming will end

I am saddened by the news of changes at WMUB. I understand the economy probably hastened this decision.

I am thankful there will still be NPR programming available for listening. I am very sorry that the local programming will most likely end. I commute by car and have enjoyed many of the 9-10 am shows from Interconnect, Help Desk, Wednesday health issues, the Thursday shows on gardening, books, cars, Forum, and on and on. Local programming with local people has been great. I am sad to hear it will cease.

WMUB is the only public radio station I can hear in my neighborhood. I listen to it all the way west on 44 as far as Shelbyville, IN and on US 40 or I70 it always lasts until Greenfield. So, I am grateful I will be able to hear NPR but saddened that all the local 'flavor' will be lost and sorry for jobs that will be lost.

--Kris, via email


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